Event Sign Up Sheet | Track It Forward

Welcome Team Ihsan!

Monday, July 01 2024

Assalam O Alikum WRB,

Thank you for signing up dear brothers and sisters! This first step is indeed the beginning of a noble journey of self-reflection and will insha'Allah help us all in rejuvenating our relationship with Allah and our kindred.

This is to welcome you and let you know that currently we are in the process of logging the needs of the community members that fall under the supported volunteering tasks. Please reach out to Br. Yassir Obeid (+1 515 441 1918) in case you wish to share the information about a person needing assistance.

Once we have the needs categorized, we will be pushing out the Events like this, wherein you could volunteer by RSVP'ing to the event and update your Hour Log after completing the task.

Any suggestions are welcome to improve as we build and go!
We can't wait to get started with making a difference in the lives of needy community members!
Stay tuned for more updates!
Regards, W.Salam,

Welcome Announcement
No action is required

Contact the event organizers: Syed Sherazi