Event Sign Up Sheet | Track It Forward

Volleyball Games Volunteer - A Team

Wednesday, October 02 2024

This sign up is for the Girls Volleyball Team A Playoffs at Lincoln

Our middle school girls' volleyball team is looking for volunteers to assist with scorekeeping, timekeeping, and lines judges for this tournament/playoffs. If you are able and interested, please sign up for any of the shifts below. Please arrive at the Lincoln Academy Gymnasium at 4:00pm and one of our coaching staff will provide you with game rules and directions. The tournament starts at 4:15pm and should last no longer than a few hours. Go Lincoln Leopards!

4:00pm - 7:00pm
Time Keeper
Monitor Game Time
0 / 1
Score Keeper
Monitor & Update Scoreboard
0 / 1
Line Judge
Play call "in bound" and "out of bounds."
0 / 2

Contact the event organizers: Jennifer.Thomson-Brozovich@jeffco.k12.co.us