Event Sign Up Sheet | Track It Forward

Watch DOGS for Middle School Soccer

Wednesday, October 02 2024

This sign up is for the Championship!!

Our middle school boys’ soccer team is looking for volunteers to assist with the following:

• Welcoming families at the Northwest entrance to the track.
• Reminding families of the two sections of bleachers, they sit directly across from their team.
• Walking the track to ensure families stay on the North side of the track, families will not be permitted
to sit on the South bleachers or stand by their teams.
• Checking the Lincoln Academy campus to ensure that campus is secure, and all doors are locked.
• Checking the parking lot and Little Leopard playground.

If you are able and interested, please sign up below. Please arrive at the Lincoln Academy Football Field at 4:00pm and you will be provided with any additional directions. The Championship Game starts at 4:15pm and should last about an hour. However, please allow for a little time after the games to help clean up and have everyone clear out. Please include your first and last name when you sign up.

Go Lincoln Leopards!

4:00pm - 5:45pm
Watch DOGS Volunteer
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Contact the event organizers: Jennifer.Thomson-Brozovich@jeffco.k12.co.us, Blauvelt