Event Sign Up Sheet | Track It Forward

Facilities: Volunteers Needed

1. Weeding - Weeds have sprung throughout campus and as the school year is fast approaching it is time to get things spruced up. Come on over, grab one of the gray yard waste bins (by the North sheds), pick a zone, and get into the zone...the WEEDING zone! The main areas to focus on first are the Lower El playground and south side of Building A, the front of Building A, the small bed in the parking lot, and the large bed between Building B and the sidewalk. BYO weeding implements.

2. Wood Hauling - We have a few piles of wood rounds behind Lower El/Building A that were used during the pandemic as outdoor seating. Currently they are stacked along the back fence and have not been used for a couple of years. It would be wonderful to have a couple of people use a wheelbarrow to haul the rounds to the north parking lot and make a pile so we can have them hauled away. Or, if you want some wood, come and get it! (This project DOES NOT include the wood stacked by the north sheds and Outdoor Classroom, that is used by Upper El and Middle School as seating and needs to remain where it is.)

3. Free Little Library Restoration - The Free Little Library is in need of some refinishing, restoration, and new roofing. This is a project that needs an experienced craftsperson or someone who can work here at school and take guidance from me. The grains of summer work hours are slipping through my fingers and I need to delegate this project to someone or have helpers so it can be completed and remounted before school starts. I have a vision for this, let's chat and make it happen!

4. Picnic Table Restoration - Our Lower El picnic tables are outside year-round and look like it! Most of them could benefit from a good sanding of the working faces of the table and bench and some sort of staining and sealing. This/these project(s) will require strong arms or a sander and the ability to work neatly. Ridgeline can supply masks, some sanding discs for orb sanders, stain, and stain brushes. Because of the wood dust and stain this is not a kid-friendly task and attention to cleanliness and cleanup is paramount.

Come on over, grab one of the gray yard waste bins (by the North sheds), pick a zone, and get into the zone...the WEEDING zone! Bring your own weeding implements.
Wood Hauling
We need a couple of people to use a wheelbarrow to haul the wood piles to the north parking lot and make a pile so we can have them hauled away.
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Free Little Library Restoration
Needing an experienced craftsperson or someone who can work at the school with Jesse to refinish and restore the free Little Library in front of the school.
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Picnic Table Restoration
Seeking 3-4 volunteers to help sand the outdoor picnic tables and benches, and help with staining and sealing them.
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Contact the event organizers: Bethany Dilla