Louisiana Natural History Book Group Meeting
Sunday, November 06 2022
Hello everyone! Attached is the info for our next read: Rising Tide by John Barry. Many of us have read this or at least learned of this book and we all agreed that it's worth a second, or even a third read. This book certainly helps to put the arguments in context that we hear being debated in all matters of life around us. Levees, outlets, hydrology, commercial control, bridges, batture life, racism and coastal and delta ecology- just some of the things that this book brings to light in a clear and succinct way. I hope to see you all there in this beautiful weather. I will be adding a few new quirks to our discussion, so come find out what's in store!
Of course, if you havent read it, or it has been a while since you did, you're still welcome to join the discussion. And remember we're just covering the 1st half in November and finishing it with our December gathering. Thanks Y'all!
Any questions, concerns, or comments- just send me a note!
Tres: tresfisher@gmail.com
Contact the event organizers: Volunteer & Continuing Education Committee