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Georgia Justice Project General Pardon Applications

Sunday, January 01 2023

Georgia Justice Project is seeking a small group of student volunteers (~2) to help low-income clients break down barriers to employment, housing, occupational licensing and other essentials caused by their criminal record. Volunteers will join a cohort with students from other local law schools to assist clients with applications for a general pardon.

A pardon is a certificate of rehabilitation that in Georgia is granted by the State Board of Pardons and Paroles. While a pardon alone does not expunge a conviction from someone’s record, a new law went into effect last year that creates path to expungement after a case has been pardoned.

GJP would provide training, materials, and on-going attorney support for the group of volunteers.

A pardon application is quite extensive, and usually requires about 25 hours of work. We would like for these applications to be submitted to the Board by the end of the semester, however it can take 9+ months to have a decision from the Board.

If interested, please sign up here and submit a resume and a short letter of interest (no more than 1 page) to Erin Donohue-Koehler erin@GJP.org as soon as possible.

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Contact the event organizers: GSU COL Pro Bono Program