Gwinnett Legal Aid: Family Law Information Class (Fall Semester)
Sunday, January 01 2023
Students will follow a prepared PowerPoint Presentation and teach registrants about representing themselves pro se in various family law cases in Gwinnett County. one monthly class is from 12-3 pm, and the other is from 6-9 pm. Classes are held virtually over Zoom.
Volunteers are required to observe a class and then practice presenting with the supervising attorney.
Training is occurring now and will run until December 21, 2022.
This is a semester-long project. Two volunteers are requested this semester.
For questions or additional information, please contact Allison Parham at
Contact the event organizers: GSU COL Pro Bono Program
Confirm Password
First Name *
Last Name *
Phone Number
Year *
Expected Graduation *
Volunteer Interests
If Other, Please Describe:
Are you seeking a PILP Certificate? *
Message to Organizer