Event Sign Up Sheet | Track It Forward

Atlanta Legal Aid Society - Estate Planning and Health Law Project 6/26/23–6/30/23

Monday, June 26 2023

Assist clients with completing estate-planning questionnaires by making phone calls, speaking with clients about estate planning needs, and gathering information.
Students may also assist in drafting simple estate plans and working with clients to execute advance directives or financial power of attorney documents.

Project Requires Mandatory Training. Spring training was scheduled for January. If you were previously trained, you need not redo the training before volunteering.

Contact Cari King at chking@atlantalegalaid.org for further information, details, or questions about this project.

You will receive your assignment at the start of the week that should be completed by Friday. Assignments will typically take about two hours to complete your assignments, but this could vary based on Legal Aid's caseload.
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Contact the event organizers: GSU COL Pro Bono Program