Georgia Legal Services Program Wills Clinic
Friday, August 18 2023
GLSP is hosting a clinic to help seniors in Douglas County create wills, advance directives of healthcare, and powers of attorney. Student volunteers will be witnessing and executing documents and acting as runners to keep the clinic running smoothly. GLSP will have volunteer attorneys helping in person and virtually, and students may assist with these attorney-client meetings. The Douglas County clinic is in-person for clients and student volunteers, and it will be hosted at the Lithia Springs Senior Center located at 7301 Groover Lake Rd., Lithia Springs, GA 30122. GLSP will provide light refreshments in the morning as well as a catered lunch.
If you have any questions about the details of the project, please email
Contact the event organizers: GSU COL Pro Bono Program
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Are you seeking a PILP Certificate? *
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