Boys & Girls Club Auction/Gala
Saturday, October 05 2024
The Boys & Girls Club of Fullerton need volunteers to help with set up for their Gala/Auction event, moving and arranging tables and chairs in the courtyard and the grand hall.
For those who wish to know what Boys & Girls Club does for our community, please visit
Attire: Blue SLOBS T-shirt and closed toe shoes
Minimum hours earned: If arriving on time, a volunteer will earn the greater of 2 hours or the actual number of hours worked (rounded to nearest half an hour).
Location: Boys & Girls Club of Fullerton (Main Branch)
340 W. Commonwealth Ave., Fullerton, 92832
Boys & Girls Club Events Coordinator: Emily Nolen (714) 871-1391 ext. 2007 or email:
SLOBs Liaison: Debbie Herdrich (949) 413-5801
Reminder for volunteers: Please download the TrackItForward mobile app (or "Volunteer Time Tracking") to your mobile device. Log your hours during your shift at the event site, so your attendance can be confirmed by the GPS location vertification. (Activation of the location tracking feature in your mobile device may be required.) Cancellation and logging hours after the event date can not be done in the mobile app; please go to to do so.
Cancellation policy: Please find a replacement if cancelling within 72 hours before the event date. If a volunteer must cancel within 72 hours, please notify the SLOBs liaison and VP Philanthropy (949-413-5801). Please remove an event signup after a no-show.
Contact the event organizers: Debbie Herdrich