Bishop Neumann High School | Track It Forward

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The vision of Bishop Neumann is to foster strong Catholic values and successful life–long learning for the 21st Century.

Because God has made us, saved us, and called us to eternity, Bishop Neumann will foster high expectations in a person’s spiritual, intellectual, physical, and social life.

“Passion of Christ, strengthen me.”

A requirement of the religion department for grades nine through twelve is volunteer service. This requirement is based on the directive in the National Catechetical Directory which states, "a rounded view of the Church requires an understanding both of its inner life and of its ministry of service to society." It further says, "Catechesis concerning justice, mercy, and peace should be part of the catechetical process. It should include efforts to motivate people to act on behalf of these values" (p. 95).

Each year students in these grades are expected to spend a minimum of 15 hours in a Christian service program toward a total of 60 hours before graduation. Only 15 hours may be applied toward the total required each year.

Off-campus service must be done outside of school hours, with the exception of seniors doing service during open campus. Each year, a minimum of 5 hours must be completed outside of Bishop Neumann. To encourage a deeper reflection and appreciation for the value of service for others, the service program will be a part of the student’s religion class grade. Along with completing the service hours, students will turn in a written summary along with a possible short presentation to the class. Service hours and reflections are due by May 1st of each school year.

Service hours must be handed in within thirty days after completion to be counted. Freshmen, sophomores, and juniors must complete their service hours for the school year before the beginning of the next school year. Seniors must have all service hours completed by March 1st or service will be assigned. If service hours are not completed, seniors may not participate in the graduation

Some suggestions of the kinds of things students may do for service hours are listed below. If students wish to do other projects, prior approval is required from the campus ministry office to avoid misunderstandings about what is and what is not acceptable for this program. Any service project involving over ten hours must have prior approval.

Service cannot be done for relatives (grandparents, aunts & uncles, parents/step-parents…), cannot be done for a for-profit organization, and cannot be done for a business/organization at which a student is also employed.

Service for the elderly must be for people over age 65.
1. Service to the elderly, disabled, unborn, sick or needy, such as:
• Taking part in the yearly pro-life march in Lincoln in January.
• Other projects on behalf of the unborn (please check ahead of time).
• Donating blood.
• Providing transportation or other services such as mowing lawns, scooping snow, cleaning, etc. without pay for the elderly (over 65) or the disabled.
• Visiting or providing entertainment or assistance to the elderly.
2. Service in the parish community or to the pastor:
• Teaching in the parish CCD program.
• Assisting a teacher in the parish CCD program.
• Working at church bazaars, dinners, or other projects.
• Cleaning parish church, hall, school, or rectory without pay.
• Caring for the church or cemetery grounds without pay.
• Any clerical or other service to pastor or assistant pastor.
3. Service to the school or community:
• Service for for-profit organizations or businesses is not accepted.
• Volunteer work needed and supervised by the office.
• Assistance to the maintenance employee (cleaning, repairs, other odd jobs which are approved by the service program coordinator).
• Working as a teacher aide or library assistant (typing, filing, fixing bulletin boards, tutoring, helping with end-of-year inventory, etc.). No service will be given when a student is assigned to a class as an aide for
• Assisting in athletic programs at Neumann (working as student manager, videotaping games, taking statistics, keeping record books, etc.).
• Assisting, coaching, officiating, etc. in elementary athletic programs without pay.
• Volunteering for a non-profit community organization. The mission of this non-profit organization must not be contrary to the Gospel and Catholic Faith.
4. Other:
• Working on a TEC (Teens Encounter Christ) Wheat Crew (15 hours per weekend).
• Working on Quest Oat Crews (15 hours).
• Working at SKY Camp as a counselor (15 hours).
• Bishop Neumann mission trip (15 hours)