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Summer Membership Meeting

Tuesday, June 25 2024

Please join us for our summer meeting and potluck dinner at Fort Ward Park on Tuesday, June 25 (rain date June 27). Let's socialize starting at 5:30 pm, eat at 6:00, and begin our meeting at 6:30. Phil Jubert, Alexandria's Urban Forest Manager, will provide an update on Alexandria's trees and walk the park with us.
This will be a potluck meal so please bring a dish to share. Also, please bring your own plate, cup, and utensils to reduce the need for one-use only paper and plastics, although these items will be available if needed. We suggest bringing the following contribution based on the first letter of your last name:

A-K: Entrees or a side dish
L-O: Desserts, fruit, or appetizers
P-Z: Beverages (alcohol is not allowed at this location)

Fort Ward Park is located at 4301 West Braddock Road, Alexandria, VA 22304. We have Picnic Area 2 which is the new pavilion on the right hand side at the back of the park.

5:00pm - 5:30pm
Set up
5 / 5
5:30pm - 7:30pm
The Meeting
7:30pm - 8:00pm
Clean up
5 / 5

Contact the event organizers: McPalmer Terri