LACBA Veterans' Record Clearing Clinic
Wednesday, March 16 2022
Virtual Legal Clinic for Veterans - Resolving Outstanding Tickets & Warrants and Cleaning Criminal Records
LACBA's Veterans Legal Services Projects is hosting a virtual legal clinic on Wednesday, March 16, from 3- 6 pm to assist veterans with resolving outstanding tickets & warrants and cleaning criminal records. Please see the attached flyer for more information.
Advocates will log on at 3:30 pm for a separate orientation before meeting with clients. Law students will be partnered with pro bono attorneys from Sheppard Mullin to conduct intake and interview with the clinic participants. Following the clinic, to finish up their hours, students can assist with document preparation and follow up.
Students who are interested in volunteering are required to attend the virtual training on March 14 from 12-1:30 pm. They should register for this training by Sunday, March 13, at 4 pm here: (You will need to create a LACBA account but you do not need to sign up for LACBA membership.)
Please contact the project coordinator Rhian Crosdale, to sign up for the clinic.
Contact the event organizers: Grace Meng